I meant to post this earlier, but alas. I received an e-mail yesterday which seemed quite strange. It's definitely Chaucer, but the text is jumbled and makes little sense. Does it mean anything?
What with his wysdom and his chivalrie;
He conquered al the regne of Femenye,
Lete I this noble duc to Atthenes ryde,
How wonnen was the regne of Femenye
By Theseus, and by his chivalrye.
And God it woot, that it is litel wonder;
And as an angel ladde hym up and doun.
With mandementz for fornicacioun,
In scole-matere greet difficultee,
But atte laste he seyde unto the wyf.
And of my wyf the passyng crueltee,
Wepyng and waylyng, care and oother sorwe
Quod the marchant, "and so doon other mo
She sholde hym overmacche, I dar wel swere."
What sholde I yow reherce in special,
Were I unbounden, also moot I thee!
For wel I woot it fareth so with me.